Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Aircraft primary control surface ?

  • Aileron 
  • Elevator
  • Rudder
  • Aileron :  Aileron is control surface use to roll/bank the aircraft during flight . It installed in trailing edge outboard portion of the both wing . It controls lateral stability of aircraft . Rolling of aircraft performed on longitudinal axis . Ailerons are controlled by pilot from cockpit with the help of control yoke by rotating it . Some aileron also work as flaps called flaperons .                                                                                                          
  • Elevator : Elevator is control surface use to control pitching movement ( climbing or diving ) of aircraft during flight . It control longitudinal stability of aircraft . It performed on lateral axis . Elevator are operated from cockpit with help of stick by pulling or pushing it. Elevator are installed in trailing edge of horizontal stabilizer of tail plane . When whole horizontal stabilizer surface is moves to control pitching movement is called as stabilator .                                                 
  • Rudder : Rudder is control surface use to yaw/turn the aircraft during flight . It attach to trailing edge of vertical stabilizer , there may be multiple vertical stabilizer or rudder . It provide directional stability to aircraft along vertical axis . Some aircraft have ruddervator which combines the function of elevator as well as rudder . Rudder are control from cockpit with the help of rudder pedal .